Wonder weapon: 5 ways to use Witch hazel

Who doesn't like to find that one wonder weapon that will change ones life? Well, I do and while Witch hazel might not solve all your problems it sure does make certain aspects of your life much easier!
If you are new to the topic and don't know what the Witch hazel thing is all about, let me tell you:
Witch hazel is a natural astringent won from a plant called Hamamelis, some of its best characteristics are its ability to tighten, dry and harden tissue aka your skin.
While Witch hazel can be used for lots of different things like healing soar throats, I want to focus on all the wonderful things that wonder weapon can do for your complexion!
Witch hazel is a great alternative for people that want to live a more natural lifestyle and skip products that could contain lots of chemicals. The reason I tried Witch hazel in the first place is that I am always curious about ways to improve my skin, natural or not. It is now a really important part in my daily skin care regiment and is definitely a favorite of mine.

Now on to 5 incredible ways you can use Witch hazel, consider your mind to be blown!

Get rid of those blemishes and acne!
Witch hazel is amazing for spot treatments or as a toner for all over your skin. As I mentioned before, Witch hazel is known for its ability to tighten and dry. A lot of times acne, blemishes and large pores for when the skin tends to be slightly oily. A few months back I noticed enlarged pores, especially around nose and cheeks. Applying Witch hazel continuously as a toner has helped me clear up my skin by drying out impurities and shrinking my pores due to its tightening abilities. The way I use it: After removing my makeup and using a scrub I like to use the Witch hazel as a toner before applying my creams and serums.

Puffy eyes anyone?
If you are suffering from super puffy eyes due to lack of sleep (Thank you short notice timelines!), bingeing on Netflix (Chill?!) or a bad Breakup (Screw em!) I may got a solution for you!
Soak some cotton pads in your Witch hazel, if you want an extra kick place them in a zip lock bag and put the bag in the fridge for a little bit. After, remove the pads from the bag and place them on your closed eyes. Witch hazel tightens the skin and blood vessels which should solve your puffy eyes problem in no time!

Got a bruise...or hickey?!
Not only do bruises hurt, they also look weird and unappealing. To get rid of those discolored patches on your skin, soak a cloth in Witch hazel and apply to the area in need several times a day. Your bruise will heal and therefor disappear much quicker than usually.

Oil slick, no more!
If your skin happens to be a bit oily, try Witch hazel. It is a great natural, gentle and might I add affordable alternative to other mattefying toners and facial products. To remove oils and dirt from your skin, wipe your skin with a soaked cotton pad. your skin will  feel refreshed and look glowing. 

Lets get to shaving our faces!
Listen, I am a girl with some peach fuss on the sides of my face and a bit of a "stach". I started shaving my face to make my makeup go on smoothly and looking flawless. Nevertheless, if you don't prep your skin correctly you will end up with little bumps and irritations, which....defeats the purpose! Try, applying Witch hazel to your face before shaving in order to prep your skin surface perfectly.

I definitely think that Witch hazel is worth a try! It is so affordable and you can find it pretty much everywhere, just go to your local grocery store, the drugstore or order it online! My skin has improved so much and I hope that it will do the same for you!



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