Pimp my Home: Five ways to layer Canvases and Objects


Time to share another passion of mine! In addition to loving makeup, fashion and travel I am also obsessed with amazing home décor. To me it is so important to feel comfortable in your own space and really make it feel like home. I think that the key is to bring in your own personality which for me means creating as much as possible myself. I have always been an artsy person, expressing myself in different ways and gathering inspiration at every given chance. I am especially interested in pairing minimal pieces with things that would be associated with maximalism. Since I love clean lines and muted color palettes I think that it nice to bring in a well thought out pop of color or bold shapes and break the monochromatic look. Since moving into my apartment I have been focusing more on drawing and painting on canvases and even created a few sculptures. They add so much flair to my space and I found that I really enjoy layering them, which adds a little bit more interest.
Here a few easy tips and tricks that will elevate your artsy layering game in no time...

1) Pair blank and bold
To me it always looks nice to pair a canvas that looks a little bit more plain and unexcited with a bolder canvas that may have more color or a more expressive pattern. I also like to go for no more than two to three pieces in one spot. Things can look cluttered and unorganized real quick, so take it easy!

2) Black, White and a Pop
Now, if you are looking more for a statement instead of a "gap filler" try layering two bolder canvases and add a bright color that will enhance your spaces vibe. I often use vases or candles that I really like, to add some interest.

3) Big, small, smaller... 
Another tip I have for you is to layer canvases (or frames) that are differently sized. For example: Start off with a bigger sized canvas and decrease the size of all following canvases gradually so that everything looks proportional.

4) Sleek instead of clunky
I think that it is super important that when you layer canvases and objects nothing should look bulky or clunky. If you decided to go with a darker canvas, try and break the "heaviness" with a lighter colored canvas or a dainty, detailed sculpture.

5) Show off
We all know the feeling, sometimes your fave pieces do not get the attention that they deserve. They may be really dainty or small but YOU see their potential. Why not create some kind of altar for them?! Lean a canvas in an opposing color to your object against the wall, then place everything you want to enhance right in front. There you go, your favorite pieces now have their well deserved moment!

I hope you enjoyed my take on layering art, expressing ones personality and creating a space that you can feel comfortable in.


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