How to Create your Perfect Vision Board

Yes, New Years is long over and New Years resolutions are made and quite possibly already given up on, BUT, if you ask me, there is never just one time in a year to make new plans, think of new goals that you want to accomplish and get inspired to become the best version of yourself!
Every now and again I need to remind myself of all the things I want and need to do in order to get to where I want to be, professionally AND personally. It is so easy to get caught in everyday happenings, we settle for quick satisfaction instead of chasing the fulfillment of the bigger picture. All too often I find myself getting discouraged, drained and cant see the forest for the trees. Because I have not been blessed with infinite memory and in danger of letting my emotions get the best of me I knew I needed to come up with a way to keep me on track. To me, vision boarding is the way to go. It allows me to take some time for myself, evaluate who I am, steps I took and the steps I still have to take.
The nice part about creating a vision board is that you can allow yourself to let your thoughts flow, be unfiltered and express yourself without fearing judgement, you are one step ahead of a lot of people, you are mapping out the biggest project you will ever attempt, living your most authentic and fulfilled life!

Here 10 tips that help me visualize:

1. What you are about to do is actively investing in yourself, so take some time for yourself, avoid distractions and let your thoughts flow.
2. Set realistic short and long term goals that you will be able to reach.
3. Understand that not every plan works out, sometimes life throws you curveballs and you won't be able to do anything about it. Always remember that one of your greatest powers is that you have a choice. Even when you cant choose what happens to you, you will always be able to decide on how to react to it!
4. Goals change over time, try and adjust them every now and again (especially long term goals).
5. When coming up with goals make sure to create a plan to reach those goals at the same time, Nothing worse than great ideas and no plan on how to execute them!
6. Don't get too carried away, be very selective and only put the things on your vision board that you truly want.
7. Think of things that are nondependent on others, you will always be able to depend on yourself while that is not necessarily the case when it comes to others. Don't make the accomplishment of goals depend on others!
8. Don't feel like a failure if you should not fulfill some of your goals and dreams in the time frame that you set for yourself, just try again!
9. Knowing that I don't have to show my board to others allows me to be honest and unfiltered with myself.
10. Keep your board in eye sight, its called a vision board for a reason ;-)

Oh and btw, there is no right or wrong way to create a vision board, some people prefer everything to be in writing while others like to add pictures or objects etc. that mean something to them. While I like to create an actual physical board, I know people that made digital versions which allowed them to incorporate inspirational songs or even videos. Whatever works best for you go for it!

I really hope you liked it and I would love to hear about your goals and inspirations so please feel free to comment! :-)


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