Ten ways to show Love for Youself

It's Women's month, what an important time to honor the women around us and of course ourselves! Loving yourself and honoring the incredible and unique person that you are is one of the greatest investments one can do. By loving ourselves and walking in OUR truth we teach people how to treat us, EVERYTHING starts with YOU!

Anyways, glad I got this off my chest! Keeping self-love and self-care in mind, I think it's time to move on to the fun stuff!
Take some time to be with yourself -  No matter if you are in a relationship, in a "some kind of relationship", in a "relationship with lots" kind of deal or simply single, it is important to take some time off from everybody and spend "me time" with yourself! Not being distracted by others (even though we love them) is the perfect opportunity to reconnect with yourself!
Take yourself on a date - How often do we actually go somewhere by ourselves?! If you are like me, not that often! Time to change that, go out for coffee in that cute little café around the corner, try out that fancy new restaurant that just opened or take a long stroll through the park! You don't need company, you are enough!

Spend a cozy night in - Put your most comfy PJ on, pour yourself a glass of wine and wrap up in a fuzzy blanket! Don't forget to turn on some music, a good R&B session never hurt nobody :-)

Time for some self-care - Take a long hot bath or shower, try out that new body scrub and bath bomb. Nobody there to impatiently knock on the door and rush you CHING CHING!

Time for a Mani and Pedi - Chipped nails and dull polish? No problem! We rarely get time during the week to give our hands and toes a fresh look. When if not now, is the time to give yourself the beauty treatment of your life!

Speaking of Beauty Treatments - Mask away!

Indulge - No matter if that means post-maiding an extra large pizza or enjoying a small piece of fancy chocolate! No judgement, no regrets!

Binge on your favorites - Honestly, who has the time to watch their favorite shows, working hard, keeping yourself put together, getting things done and maintaining a social life?! Nobody! Good News, Pick one day and make it YOUR day! Get ready to watch two, three... ten shows in a row only interrupted by snack breaks!

Time for a good read - Detox from technology even if it is just for a few hours, mute your phone and pick up that book that you have been planning on reading for the longest time!

Vision- boarding - Who are you? What are all the wonderful, unique characteristics that make you, you? What are skills that you want to develop and what are all those goals you want to accomplish? Write down what ever comes to mind, don't filter yourself. Browse magazines and get inspired. You do you, cause life is what you make it!

First and foremost, be you and stay true to yourself!



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